TIME: 2:00 PM

In our prayer during this hour, I saw a large number of Angels and Saints with trumpets and palm fronds in their hands. They were singing in jubilation. There, above the cloud, I saw a very huge Cross shining, as Divine rays shone out from all sides of it. There on the Cross was written: “Salvation comes from God; blessed be the Sacrificial Lamb of God.” After a while, I could see, Our Merciful Master, Jesus Christ, appearing above the Cross. He spread His Hands and blessed. At that time, I could hear the holy Beings of Heaven adoring with these words, as they bowed down to the Son of God:
‘Holy! Holy!! Holy!!!’ Blessed be the Holy Name of God. Blessed be the Lamb of Sacrifice. Blessed be the Blood of Redemption. Happy are those called to reign with the Lamb. Happy is the Nation chosen to share in the inheritance of the Lamb. Holy is Your Name, God of Love. Reign forever! Adoration to the Most Holy God!
After each adoration, there was a loud hymn of praise. In the end, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared the Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ, Who calmly said:
“My children, great is the feast in Heaven, of the birthday of My Glorious Reign on Earth. See, the Saints and Angels are rejoicing in adoration; happy are the little ones who know of this favour and rejoice with the Saints. Children, today, I called you to rejoice. Rejoice for this day is holy; rejoice, My children, for your hope is sure. I say, rejoice, for you have seen the Triumph of the Holy Cross.
Children, what then will hinder your joy? I say, take away every burden of yours. Lay aside the weight of the coming Chastisement. Rejoice! I say, rejoice with Heaven for victory is yours who abide in My love.
At this time, he raised His hand that held a Cross and blessed with these words: “I bless you all, who wipe My bloody face in the world of sin; I will wipe away tears from your eyes.
I bless you all, who carry your crosses and follow Me in their days; the victorious crown is yours.
I bless you all, who live and die with Me; I will resurrect you and reward you with Heaven.
Children, I bless you all. May the peace and joy of My Glorious Reign fill your hearts. Rejoice and celebrate My feast. This is the day of your salvation.
Children, the proud heart will never rejoice, because the cloud of darkness has filled it with rage. But to My little ones, I can see their faces brighten with happiness. Rejoice. He, Who called you to rejoice, is your Master. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who has seen the future manifestation of this reign in you. In this Virgin Land of yours, My reign has been born.
So, I bless you all with the joy of My Glorious Reign, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Rejoice and remain in My Peace. “
Immediately the vision passed.