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Message as given by Our Lord


TIME: 9.10P.M.



During our Novena prayer, I was transformed in spirit, I saw Our Lord on a Cross, the Sacred Side appeared clearly. There were immediately drops of blood which I counted to be twelve, as soon as that Blood was over, drops of water which I did count to be twelve commenced.

The Sacred Head with the Crown of Thorns appeared, Our Lord said: “My children, during your hour of meditation think about My Crucifixion, the Sweat of Blood, the Scourging, the Crown of Thorns, Carrying of the Cross, piercing of My Body and the three hours I hung on the Cross, if you love Me have mercy on Me.

My son, I lost twelve drops of Blood and Water for humanity from My Sacred Side, these represent FORGIVENESS and SALVATION to My people Israel.

The Blood saved the sins of the whole world. O My children adore My Most Precious Blood and Water from My Sacred Side through this Holy Chaplet of My Precious Blood.


“O My children adore My Precious Blood and Water from My sacred Side through this Holy Chaplet of My Precious Blood.

My children I have done it, your joy will not be complete yet, no one will fully believe you, I have hardened their hearts. Unless you obey My command; your joy will not be complete. I command you to edit all My messages you have not done it, I also commanded you to pray, no one prays much some of you are not praying.

My children, you will not start the pilgrimage unless it is approved by the Bishop and the Church. It will not be approved by the Bishop unless you edit all My messages.

I warn you all never to submit this prayer to the Bishop if you did not pray much for it. Pray much, I say pray much, offer all your prayers for it.

My people, your prayer is not enough. If you do not pray till the time comes, I will hold back My Chaplet and allow destruction to come, then many people will die, hopefully some will survive.

My children, pray. That is why I called you to share in My suffering and bring down God’s mercy through your prayers.

I will not tell you anything about the pilgrimage now until the third Friday of this month.

Today, you can reveal My messages and Chaplet to My people, individuals and even devotioners. I say, the pilgrimage will not come unless you obey and pray. I command you to pray.

I bless you all. Peace be with you.”

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