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Message as given by our Lady

Our Lady..jpg

TIME: 9.25PM.


As we were praying, Our Lady appeared holding a palm frond on Her hand and said:

“My children, peace from Heaven be with you.

My children, allow the will of The Eternal Father to be done in your lives, think only of the goodness of others. Plan with Heaven only to save souls. Pray much for pagans and work hard for their salvation.

Father thinks of you, He has made a plan for your lives to My Son Jesus Christ, make sure that no word which cannot save or heal the world will ever come out of your mouth. Count the words you say, for Satan to be jealous of you and the plans of Heaven.

He is planning to accuse you with your words. I say be careful!

My children, run away from evil gatherings so that you may not ruin your lives, never, I say, never attack your leader so as to avoid the wrath of God. If you do, the Holy Spirit will leave you.

My children, avoid lateness so that Father will bless you and hear your prayers. My Son commands you to pray and make reparation which will bring peace to the world through His mercy. My children, are you doing it? What is reparation? How are you doing it? Children, answer these questions and make reparation for the sins committed against My Son’s Precious Blood.

My children share in the mercy I have for the world and mercy for them.

Mercy for them and pray for them. O, pray for them and direct them to divine light, help them walk away from darkness, teach them the way of Heaven, help them to be baptized and share always in the Blood of the Spotless Lamb of God.

My children, help all men to come to the full knowledge of the truth, so as to able to share in the Most Holy Precious Blood of My Son which promises to save. The Precious Blood has power to save the world from this coming chastisement.

My children, never let an hour pass without receiving Holy Communion, receive it spiritually always.

Pray always for this holy call, the devotion to the Most Precious Blood. Offer all your weakness for it, through this, the Holy Church will welcome it and save her life.

I bless you all. Come into the light”

Immediately , Heaven opened, She moved until She disappeared.

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